Everything started with Pierre-François Lubin, who created his Maison de Parfumerie (Perfume shop) in 1798, to give to “Incroyables” (the Incredible Dandies) and to “Merveilleuses” (the fine ladies) (our ancestors!) perfumed ribbons, masks for balls and face powder, but most of all, his famous “eau vivifiante”(invigorating-bracing water) which became “L’Eau de Lubin” (Lubin’s Water). Lubin’s fame reached empress Joséphine and Pauline Bonaparte, and he became their favorite before becoming the one of Marie Hélène de Bourbon and of all European sovereigns. One century later, in the Roaring twenties, a new perfume is created every year. The Art Deco perfume bottles are designed by Julien Viard and Maurice Depinoix and the luxurious editions are made of Baccarat Crystal.

Lubin’s perfumes are the symbol of French elegance, particularly in the United-States, and until 1975 success has continued before the brand felt into oblivion with the massive appearance on the market of perfumes made by top fashion designers. In 1999, Gilles Thévenin, director of creation at Guerlain at that time, decides to give a new life to Lubin, which still represents to him the quintessence of French luxury. It is a titanic project but, fortunately, he has a great part of the 450 scents created by the brand and he decides, with Olivia Giacobetti’s help (one of the famous noses of French perfumery, remember En Passant at Frédéric Malle) to put some of them back on the market, alternating with the creations of new fragrances.