In 2010, Eloïse Gilles and Raphaëlle de Panafieu, both from the world of luxury, fashion and passionate about crafts, decided to revive this original and so chic object that is the fan, by taking over the Maison Duvelleroy created in 1829 by Jean-Pierre Duvelleroy, supplier to Queen Victoria or the Empress of Russia.

Both wish to remain in line with a style and a know-how by preserving gestures – those of the work of the feather in marquetry for example – and shapes, like the so-called “balloon”, slightly rounded, inspired by shells St Jacques which is typical of the Art Nouveau Duvelleroy period. For the creation, they have also returned to the sources of the fan-making profession by calling on Frédéric Gay, who is in charge of assembly and assembly.

They are relaunching couture collections, with creative fans, but also the ready-to-wear fan, as it existed in the 19th century, in cotton and wood, pleated, hand-assembled and produced in small series. They also launched numerous collaborations with artists and designers such as Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, Lison de Caunes, José Lévy and Victor Cadène.